Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Telehealth Addiction Treatment Near You
Telehealth Addiction Treatment Near You
Do you or a loved one suffer from an opioid or alcohol addiction? Interested in starting a treatment program but don’t have 90 days to spend in an inpatient program? Worried about the withdrawals and cravings? Think you may relapse? Worried about how you’ll make it to your visits? At Clear Horizons Healthcare we are dedicated to helping people live a healthier, more sober life and have various options to help. We offer medication-assisted treatment options and telehealth consultations for suboxone treatment and follow-up opioid treatment care. Interested in getting started? Give Clear Horizons Healthcare a call today, we’ll get you added to our schedule for your first telehealth addiction treatment appointment with us.
About Telehealth
Telehealth utilizes phone or video services to connect patients with a healthcare professional from any location. Whether you are at home or at work, we can see you and discuss your treatment plan. Telehealth allows for long-distance patient care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote admissions when necessary.
Our Service Area
At Clear Horizons Healthcare, we offer addiction telemedicine for patients in Camden County, New Jersey and the surrounding communities, including but not limited to:
Haddonfield, NJ
Haddon Heights, NJ
Deptford Township, NJ
Mt. Ephraim, NJ
Collingswood, NJ
Bellmawr, NJ
Gloucester City, NJ
Lawnside, NJ
Tavistock, NJ
Magnolia, NJ
Camden, NJ
Cherry Hill, NJ
Pennsauken, NJ
Woodbury, NJ
Maple Shade, NJ
Marlton, NJ
Cinnaminson, NJ
Oaklyn, NJ
Somerdale, NJ
Benefits of Telehealth
When it comes to telehealth there are many benefits. Patients can save time and money when it comes to transportation as there is no need to visit our location. They can also save time by waiting for their appointment as they simply have to call/video chat when their appointment time is available. Telemedicine also gives more people access to the care they need, resulting in better health outcomes in most instances. Lastly, telemedicine can help stop the spread of illnesses (such as Covid-19 during this pandemic we’re experiencing in April 2020).
Start Telehealth Addiction Treatment Nearby Today
Interested in starting addiction treatment near you? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today to schedule your telemedicine consultation for suboxone treatment, we would be more than happy to get you added to our schedule for an appointment.