Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Telehealth Addiction Treatment Audubon, New Jersey
Telehealth Addiction Treatment Audubon, New Jersey
Is your friend or loved one addicted to alcohol or opioid drugs? Are you looking for an outpatient addiction program near you? Not sure how you’ll make it to visits? At Clear Horizons Healthcare we provide telehealth addiction treatment in Audubon, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. We provide both suboxone and vivitrol medication-assisted treatment that can help with the cravings, withdrawal symptoms and risk of relapse. Ready to schedule your telehealth consultation with our addiction clinic? Reach out today and we’ll get you added to our schedule for an appointment.
About Our Audubon Addiction Telehealth Services
When it comes to telehealth addiction services, we utilize phone or video services to connect with each of our patients from nearby locations. Whether you are at home or at work, we can connect with you to discuss your addiction treatment plan. With telehealth, we can provide long-distance patient care, education, monitoring, intervention and advice.
Benefits of Telehealth Addiction Treatment
With telehealth addiction treatment in Audubon, there are quite a few benefits for our patients. Our patients can save money and time when it comes to transportation and visiting our location. Time is also saved due to the fact our patients don’t have to sit in the waiting room waiting for their appointment to start, simply connect with us at the time of your appointment. With telehealth we can also care for more patients, giving more people access to the addiction services they need, resulting in better health outcomes for those patients.
Start Telehealth Addiction Treatment in Audubon Today
Are you or a loved one interested in starting telehealth addiction treatment in Audubon, New Jersey? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today, we’d be happy to get you added to our schedule for an addiction treatment consultation.