Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Stress & Addiction
Stress & Addiction
Did you know that stress can actually increase the risk of both alcohol and opioid use, abuse and addiction? Stressful life events in combination with poor coping/stress reducing skills can increase the risk of self medicating. Today, Clear Horizons Healthcare, a local addiction clinic in Audubon New Jersey is providing information on how to reduce your stress, safely, from your own home. Have questions? Think you may need addiction treatment in Audubon? Feel free to reach out, we’re always happy to help our community.
Reducing Stress Healthily
When it comes to stress, there are healthy and safe ways to properly address it. Even taking 15 minutes out of your day to focus on stress-relief can be a huge benefit. Here are some ways we recommend reducing your stress:
While many find meditation to be difficult, it shouldn’t be at all. Simply focusing on your breathing for a few minutes can actually drastically reduce stress. We recommend finding a quiet, dark location where you can sit for a few minutes and focus on your breathing.
Take A Bath
Another great stress-reducing technique is taking a bath. A warm bath can actually calm the nerves along with tension in the body. For an even more relaxing experience, try adding bath salts or essential oils to your bath, the scent can provide another element of relaxation.
Exercise can be a quick and effective way to quickly reduce stress due to the release of neurotransmitters. We recommend jogging in place for a few minutes, doing some jumping jacks or even crunches. These are easy exercises you can complete anywhere easily.
Start Audubon Addiction Treatment Today
Has stress led to you or a loved one using, abusing or even being addicted to opioids or alcohol? Think you may need Audubon addiction treatment? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today to get started, we’re always welcoming new patients.