Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Addiction Treatment Cinnaminson, New Jersey
Addiction Treatment Cinnaminson, New Jersey
Does your friend or loved one suffer from an addiction to alcohol or opioids? Tried inpatient Cinnaminson addiction programs without success? Worried about the cravings, withdrawal symptoms or even relapsing? At Clear Horizons Healthcare we understand how difficult addiction can be and are dedicated to providing our community with the tools to help combat the epidemic sweeping the nation. We offer addiction treatment in Cinnaminson, NJ and are always welcoming new patients at our clinic. Interested kicking your addiction for good? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today to get started!
About Cinnaminson Outpatient, Medication-Assisted Treatment
At our Cinnaminson addiction enter, we take a bit of a different approach to our addiction services. Clear Horizons Healthcare offers medication-assisted, outpatient addiction treatment, allowing patients to continue their day-to-day lives while getting help for their addiction. As part of our medication-assisted treatment program near Cinnaminson, Vivitrol and Suboxone are used. These medications can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms that addicts experience, the cravings for the substances and even lower their likelihood of relapsing. Vivitrol is administered once a month to patients, Suboxone, however, is given daily. Interested in addiction services in Cinnaminson or the surrounding New Jersey communities? Feel free to reach out, we’d be happy to answer any of your questions.
Start Cinnaminson Addiction Services Today
Ready to start your addiction treatment nearby? Clear Horizons Healthcare is always happy to help our community, give us a call today and we can help you get started with your addiction services in Cinnaminson, New Jersey.