Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
About Telemedicine Addiction Treatment
About Telemedicine Addiction Treatment
Do you or a loved one suffer from an addiction to opioids such as heroin or oxycontin? Tried inpatient programs but didn’t have much success? Considering an outpatient, medication-assisted program? Want to utilize telemedicine for part of your treatment? At Clear Horizons Healthcare we are happy to offer telemedicine for addiction treatment in certain situations. We can use telemedicine for suboxone treatment consultations along with follow-up appointments for addiction care. Interested in telemedicine addiction treatment near you? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today to get started.
The Benefits of Addiction Telemedicine
When it comes to addiction services, there are various benefits of utilizing telemedicine, which include:
Transportation Time/Costs
Tired of having to drive across town for each appointment? With telemedicine you can save on transportation time and costs, your appointment can happen from virtually any location where you have a mobile or WiFi connection.
Less Wait Times
Hate the wait when visiting your addiction clinic? With telemedicine you can avoid the wait times, allowing your appointment to occur once we are available to reach out to you.
Better Health
Telemedicine makes healthcare and addiction services more accessible to more people, allowing more people to experience better health and life outcomes.
Less Transmission Risk
With the current Covid-19 crisis sweeping the area, now it is more important than ever to focus on the transmission of illness and disease. With telemedicine, our patients are less likely to come in contact with someone who is ill.
Schedule Addiction Telemedicine Today
Interested in living a more sober lifestyle? Considering telemedicine addiction services near you? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today, we are always welcoming new patients at our addiction center and would be more than happy to get you on our schedule.