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How Can Alcoholism Affect Your Life?

Did you know that alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in America aside from Nicotine? While alcohol use may be more “normalized” than other substances, the impact alcoholism can have one someone's life can be quite similar to those suffering from a drug addiction such as heroin. At Clear Horizons Healthcare, we proudly offer alcohol addiction treatment in Audubon and the surrounding communities of New Jersey. We offer outpatient, medication-assisted treatment that can help with the cravings, withdrawal symptoms and even risk of relapse. Today, we’re discussing how alcoholism can impact your life and what you can do to change it.

How Alcoholism Affects Your Mind

When it comes to alcohol addiction, it can have various effects on the mind and the human brain. Alcoholics often exhibit symptoms such as mood changes, lack of inhibitions, impaired judgement, slowed reactions, memory loss, confusion and even loss of consciousness. Prolonged alcoholism can also start to cause symptoms similar to Alzheimer's disease.

How Alcoholism Affects Your Body

Along with the impact it can have on the mind, alcohol use can also heavily impact the person’s body, especially the liver which has to filter out the poisonous substance. Frequent and excessive alcohol consumption is linked to irregular heartbeats, poor blood flow, high blood pressure, blood clots, increased stroke risk, heart attack and even cirrhosis of the liver.

How Alcoholism Affects Your Family

Many people think addiction only impacts the person involved, however, this is far from the case. Many families of addicts experience affect as well, such as excessive stress and anxiety, guilt and even loss of money.

Start Alcoholism Treatment in Audubon, New Jersey Today

Tired of the impact alcoholism is having on your life, mind, body and family? Interested in medication-assisted alcoholism treatment in Audubon, NJ? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today, we’re always welcoming new patients.

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