Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Addiction Treatment Near You
Addiction Treatment Near You
Do you or a loved one suffer from an addiction to opioids (illegal or prescription or alcohol? Tried inpatient addiction treatment and didn’t have much success? Worried about the cravings and withdrawal symptoms? Don’t want to relapse again? Looking for an addiction treatment near you that is outpatient and medication-assisted? Clear Horizons Healthcare is proud to offer outpatient, medication-assisted addiction treatment near you and would be happy to help with any of your needs, simply give us a call, let us know what is going on and we can get you added to our schedule for your first treatment.
Why Medication-Assisted Treatment Nearby?
When it comes to recovery, it can be quite scary. Both alcohol and opioids can have pretty bad withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making the entire process that much more difficult. With medication-assisted addiction treatment you don’t have to worry about those negative side effects of living a more sober life, the medication helps. Along with curbing the nasty side effects, medication-assisted treatment can also make the risk of relapse less likely and even less pleasant.
Along with our medication-assisted treatment, we also urge our patients to seek outside programs such as peer-supported groups and one-on-one therapy. We find that addiction treatment along with therapy can greatly increase success.
Benefits of Outpatient Addiction Treatment
Although inpatient programs are great for many people, there are certain people that need an outpatient program in order to succeed. Our outpatient addiction treatment program near you allows our patients to resume normal day-to-day life while getting clean. No need to leave your family or job for 90 days, you can start living a more sober lifestyle while living your normal daily life.
Start Addiction Treatment Near You Today
Ready to start addiction treatment nearby you? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today, we would be more than happy to help.