Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Addiction Treatment Woodbury, New Jersey
Addiction Treatment Woodbury, New Jersey
Considering addiction treatment in Woodbury, New Jersey? Tried inpatient addiction clinics before without success? Worried about cravings, withdrawals or relapsing? Interested in addiction treatment that allows you to continue your normal life, not disappear for 90 days? At Clear Horizons Healthcare we understand that addiction treatment can be complicated and are dedicated to helping those in our community who need it. We offer medication-assisted, outpatient addiction treatment near Woodbury, New Jersey. With our outpatient, medication-assisted treatment, patients receive medication to help with the negative side effects, allowing them to receive treatment while resuming normal life. Interested in our Woodbury addiction services? Give us a call today to get started, we’re always happy to help.
About Medication-Assisted, Outpatient Treatment in Woodbury
As mentioned above, medication-assisted addiction treatment involves the use of medication to reduce negative side effects such as cravings, withdrawal symptoms and even the risk of relapsing. Suboxone is a medication that is given frequently to the patient, while Vivitrol is only given on a monthly basis. At Clear Horizons Healthcare, we also recommended peer-supported groups along with individual therapy, in combination with medication-assisted treatment, it can make the chance of success more likely.
Start Woodbury Addiction Treatment Today
Ready to kick your addiction and live a more healthy and sober life? Interested in our outpatient addiction services in Woodbury, NJ? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today, we’d be happy to answer any of your questions and get you started on your journey to sobriety.