Addiction Recovery Audubon, NJ
Tavistock, New Jersey Addiction Treatment
Tavistock, New Jersey Addiction Treatment
Do you suffer from an addiction to alcohol or opioids (prescription or illegal)? Have you tried inpatient addiction programs without success? Looking for an addiction clinic near Tavistock, New Jersey that offers outpatient medication-assisted programs? Considering addiction services near you but are worried about cravings or withdrawals? Tried rehab before but ended up relapsing? At Clear Horizons Healthcare, we understand the difficulty of overcoming addiction, we are happy to offer medication-assisted, outpatient treatment in Tavistock and the surrounding communities of New Jersey. With medication-assisted treatment, we can reduce cravings, withdrawals and risk of relapse for our patients while they continue with their normal day-to-day life. Think you may be interested in addiction treatment at Clear Horizons Healthcare? Feel free to contact us, we would be happy to help and can get you added to our schedule for an appointment.
About Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Tavistock, NJ
Clear Horizons Healthcare understands how difficult it can be to kick an addiction to opioids, alcohol or even other substances. We proudly provide our community and patients with the tools necessary to succeed in their addiction recovery. Our medication-assisted treatment program in Tavistock, NJ includes both Suboxone and Vivitrol, medications that have been proven effective in the treatment of opioid and alcohol addictions. Vivitrol is administered to the patient monthly through injection, while Suboxone is given to the patient daily. Along with medication-assisted care, we also recommend both peer-supported and individual therapy for the best results with their recovery.
Start Addiction Services in Tavistock, New Jersey Today
Interested in our addiction clinic in Tavistock, NJ? Contact Clear Horizons Healthcare today, we’re always welcoming new patients and would be more than happy to get you added to our schedule for your first visit.